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Gordon Turner

Settling a dispute - the power of ‘boring’

I’ve recently settled a 4-day pregnancy discrimination case due for hearing later this year. A careful review of the myriad of documents relating to the dispute threw up a key point in the chronology of events, resulting in a straightforward settlement of the dispute.

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  1434 Hits

Always look on the bright side…of life!

A creative approach to conflict - tips on negotiating within a protected conversation.

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  775 Hits

Injury to feelings awards- how long’s a piece of string?

When negotiating a Settlement one thing which leads to much confusion is the amount to allocate to any potential claim for ‘Injury to Feelings’? Employees and employers can be unrealistic about things would pan out in a tribunal with award subject to considerable discretion of the tribunal provided they are within the ‘Vento’ guidelines.

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  5646 Hits

Dealing with complex Employment Tribunal Claims

Employers have enough on their plate with Omicron so if you’re on the receiving end of a potential Tribunal claim you may be at the end of your tether… I’ve written this article is to provide guidance on how to reduce the burden on your organisation and increase the prospect of a prompt successful outcome.

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  847 Hits

I S v Argyll Ltd – November 21

In this case an employee alleged that her dismissal as a bookkeeper was discriminatory and connected with her pregnancy because my client outsourced his bookkeeping function after he found a substantial gap (over £400,000!) in VAT receipts on her handover. The Tribunal found that the dismissal was non-discriminatory and took place for an unrelated sound business reason.

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  904 Hits