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Gordon Turner

I have enjoyed a very colourful and exciting career. Here are some of my recent cases.

I S v Argyll Ltd – November 21

In this case an employee alleged that her dismissal as a bookkeeper was discriminatory and connected with her pregnancy because my client outsourced his bookkeeping function after he found a substantial gap (over £400,000!) in VAT receipts on her handover. The Tribunal found that the dismissal was non-discriminatory and took place for an unrelated sound business reason.

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R Elliott v Slough Children’s Services Trust – July 2021

Over the last 5 years I have represented SCST on no less 13 occasions and we have succeeded in 12 and in the other we reduced the claim from £100,000 to £10,000. RE was the last of them, I hope.

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AM v Zeal Ltd – May 2021

AM was representing himself and seemed to be egged on by a third party for some reason. I explained to him along the way that a key part of any whistleblowing case (that he had raised concerns about failures to comply with legal obligations) didn’t have any legs…

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SM v Lauren Richards Ltd.- February 2021

Here an employee brought very broad ranging allegations after she was dismissed. Because she didn’t have 2 years’ continuous employment, her case was brought as a disability related claim for which there is no qualifying period. Instead of getting bogged down in the volumes of data she provided, we applied to have the case dismissed on a narrow point: the medical evidence provided didn’t meet the hurdle for establishing she was a disabled person under the Equality Act 2010.  

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R S v Onyx Ltd

In a complex ‘blackmail’ type case, R S v Onyx Ltd the employee was ordered to pay £20,000 towards our client’s legal costs. The case has now gone to the Civil Courts for enforcement.

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London 020 7247 7190
Manchester 0161 883 1255
Birmingham 0121 663 1191